We sold the last ones we could get, BUT, we got more in….see new ad!

Kel-Tec PMR-30 Urban Camo
Kel-Tec PMR-30 Collectors Take Note! If you want all the variations, get this one NOW!
As you can see above, this is a Limited Edition/Limited Production version which to me, looks way better than the black, ODG, and Brown versions.. PMR-30s are always hard to find, get this one while you can and call it an early Christmas Present! I don’t know what Hydro Drip Urban Camo is, but it looks cool 🙂 NOTE: these are individually made by Kel-Tec so the camo pattern is different from one to another. They all look similar to the sample in the ad, but the gray varies from light to dark in various patterns so some guns are darker, some lighter, but they all have the same pattern and shades of gray.
She’s quite svelte, but don’t let the sleek design fool you. The PMR30 defines handgun firepower with its 30 round .22 Magnum capacity. Although perfect for backpacking, camping and range day plinking, the PMR30 can also play a role in home defense for the recoil shy among us.
Hi-Viz Sights
Right out of the box, the PMR30 offers excellent target acquisition due to its fiber optic front & rear sights. It also features an integrated accessory rail to mount a weapon light for those dark rooms or evening situations. Note: The tool and some spare light pipes come with the gun.
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